
No menstruation, no pregnancy, what happened to me?

The normal menstrual cycle of women is 28~35 days

But she’s not pregnant, so the aunt won’t come

What’s the situation?

Women in the reproductive period, without taking contraceptive measures, after the possibility of pregnancy is ruled out, the only reason for delayed menstruation is irregular menstruation.

Causes of irregular menstruation


Endocrine disorders

For women with delayed menstruation, endocrine disorders must be considered first, especially for girls and menopausal women, because hormonal imbalances cause menstrual disorder during menstruation or near menopause.

This situation is generally more common with polycystic ovary syndrome, especially when accompanied by acne, obesity, hirsutism, female infertility, etc., it is necessary to check whether the endocrine is normal.


Emotional abnormalities cause delayed menstruation

It is inevitable that there will be pressure in work and life, but some girls have not learned to reduce pressure and release. The more and more various kinds of pressure accumulate, people are prone to irritable emotions. These emotional changes and stress can cause menstrual disorders and delays.


1. Don’t be alone when you’re in a bad mood, take the horns, find friends to communicate with, and take part in outdoor activities. Because the more bored you are at home and the more bored you are, your mood will be worse.

2. Develop a regular life habit, go to bed and get up regularly, do not sleep late, and remind yourself not to be angry.


Gynecological diseases

If you are not pregnant, but your menstruation has not come, you may have been entangled in gynecological diseases. Abnormal ovarian function, etc., will affect the normal menstrual cycle, resulting in a few months to “see the previous side.”

Premature ovarian failure:

It is caused by abnormal ovarian function, which often manifests as delayed menstruation, thin hair, amenorrhea, and infertility. Symptoms similar to menopause such as vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, hot flashes and insomnia may occur.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:

In addition to oligomenorrhea, it also has three characteristics: anovulation, obesity and hirsutism. This disease can not only cause irregular menstruation and infertility, but also increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes, and endometrial cancer.


Organic disease or drug-induced

Acute and chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, uterine hypoplasia, etc.; or excessive and frequent use of hormonal drugs such as emergency contraceptives.


personal reason

1. Irregular menstruation caused by poor personal hygiene.

2. Long-term mental depression, sulking or suffering major mental stimulation and trauma.

3. Excessive daily life, irregular diet, often eating raw and cold food, not paying attention to keeping warm, poor physical fitness, etc. may also be caused.

The dangers of irregular menstruation


Causes spots and acne

Cosmetics for these spots and acne cannot solve the problem, because this is the reaction of the body’s pathological changes, especially the external manifestations of irregular menstruation and some diseases such as cancer and liver cirrhosis.


Trigger pregnancy disorder

A serious hazard of irregular menstruation is to cause infertility in women, the main reason being non-ovulation and insufficient corpus luteum function. Among the factors that lead to anovulation are: ovarian disease; hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis dysfunction leading to anovulatory menstruation and amenorrhea; systemic diseases such as affecting ovarian function and leading to anovulation.


Lead to hemorrhagic anemia

Irregular menstruation in some women is manifested as irregular bleeding or long-term excessive menstrual flow. Such long-term irregular menstruation can easily cause anemic bleeding such as dizziness, fatigue, palpitation, and shortness of breath.


Increase the risk of gynecological inflammation

Long-term irregular menstruation increases the risk of gynecological inflammation. Some irregular menstruation can also be manifested as shortened menstruation, which can cause women’s weight gain, irritability, insomnia, endocrine disorders, irregular menstruation, and breast hyperplasia. Therefore, when abnormal symptoms occur, they should go to the hospital for examination in time to prevent serious problems. as a result of


About Sarah A.

Sarah is a dermatologist, which makes her pretty trustworthy, she has been a dermatologist for over 10 years, and she’s been guest blogging abour Skin Health and Wellness since 2012. She covers a wide array of skincare topics, from acne to aging, skin cancer to psoriasis, and diet to dry skin. She also evaluates all kinds of skincare treatments, both lab-made and all-natural.