
These 3 sleeping methods are easy to get diabetes, so be careful

Diabetes is now a disease that threatens people’s health, and now his urinary disease is also known as undead cancer patients basically can not be completely cured.

Diabetes is terrible because of its complications. Diabetic patients die from complications .

Some people have suggested that diabetes is related to sleep, and some diabetes are caused by sleep, especially these two types of sleep are prone to diabetes. We might as well learn about it and advise you to be careful.


Diabetes is “sleeping” out? These 2 “sleeping methods” are easy to get diabetes, so be careful

Sleep too long

Under normal circumstances, the daily sleep time can be guaranteed to be about 7-8 hours. For the elderly, the sleep time will also be shortened, and it is normal to guarantee that it is about 6 hours.

But some people always like to sleep late, groggy every day, sleep time has exceeded 8 hours.

It is also found that too long a day’s sleep is not good for the body, it is easy to cause the blood concentration to increase, and at the same time it also affects its own metabolism, the body’s blood sugar concentration rises, and blood sugar disorders increase the risk of diabetes.

For your own health, try not to sleep too much, let alone sleep too often.

Long-term lack of sleep

Some people often suffer from insomnia, leading to long-term lack of sleep. Long-term lack of sleep can also put the body in a state of stress. Increased nerve excitability accelerates human endocrine disorders, which are more likely to cause glucose metabolism disorders and induce diabetes.

Studies have found that people who sleep less than 6 hours for a long time have a two-fold increase in the risk of diabetes than those who sleep normally.


3. Turn on the lights to sleep

——Turn on the lights to sleep at night, which increases the risk of diabetes!

Adequate and high-quality sleep is particularly important for the control of the condition of diabetic patients, and turning on the lights to sleep can affect nerve function and hormone disorders in the body.

The human body’s insulin resistance level will increase significantly when the lights are turned on to sleep. This means that our body’s ability to respond to insulin is reduced a lot, and insulin is the only hormone in the body that lowers blood sugar, so people who sleep with lights on are more likely to develop diabetes.

Blood sugar rises, sleep prophet? These three strange phenomena appear when sleeping, most of which are caused by diabetes.

1. Feel thirsty often, and increase the frequency of urination

If you feel abnormally thirsty before going to bed, drink water even when you wake up in the middle of the night, and the frequency of urination is increased, most of you are in the pre-diabetes stage, you must control your blood sugar in time. When blood sugar in your body rises, it will also affect kidney function. .

2. Abnormal sweating

If you often sweat profusely at night when you sleep, you should also pay attention to it. Besides being related to menopause, it is also possible that your blood sugar has risen, so you should measure your blood sugar in time.

3. Always feel hungry and lose weight

If you always feel hungry before going to bed, and the recent food intake has increased a lot, but the weight has not increased but decreased, this may also be a manifestation of increased blood sugar.


What complications does diabetes easily bring?

Respiratory tract infection

Diabetic patients are prone to acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, emphysema and other pulmonary diseases. Therefore, patients with diabetes should have chest CT examinations every year, which can help prevent early respiratory infections.

Diabetic foot

Diabetic foot is caused by neuropathy and vascular disease of the lower limbs of diabetic patients. The feet are easily infected and spread rapidly, causing problems such as necrosis of the lower limbs.

A small injury may cause lifelong disability, and because of the high blood sugar in the body, the wound on the foot is also difficult to heal, and infection is more likely to occur.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease

Diabetes is often accompanied by diseases such as hyperlipidemia and hypertension. These diseases can also cause hardening and narrowing of arteries, insufficient oxygen supply to the heart and brain, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, and cerebral hemorrhage.

Diabetic nephropathy

If blood sugar remains high for a long time, it will increase capillary permeability and plasma and protein extravasation, damage capillary basement membrane, renal tissue atrophy, glomerular sclerosis, and cause serious nephropathy such as renal failure and uremia.

Diabetic Eye Disease

Long-term high blood sugar in the body will also damage the retinal capillary pericytes, and the blood is in a hypercoagulable state, which is more likely to cause thrombosis and vascular rupture, induce cataracts, glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy and retinal detachment. The older the age, the more the disease is. Severe, the higher the incidence.


How can people with diabetes stabilize blood sugar and reduce complications?

Eat less sugar-free foods

Many people think that sugar-free foods do not have sucrose added. In fact, the carbohydrates and starches in them may be higher, and there are many additives in them, which are not conducive to blood vessel health. In order to stabilize blood sugar and avoid cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Try to eat less sugar-free foods.

Take medicine on time

If you have diabetes, medication is necessary, and you must take the medication within the prescribed time, do not miss the medication, and do not change the dosage at will.

Choose time to eat fruit

After getting diabetes, it’s not that you don’t eat a bit of fruit, but you have to have a lot of skills when you love to eat fruit. First, you must choose the time to eat delicious fruit. If blood sugar control is ideal, you can choose to eat a little fruit between meals and eat more low-sugar ones. fruit


About Sarah A.

Sarah is a dermatologist, which makes her pretty trustworthy, she has been a dermatologist for over 10 years, and she’s been guest blogging abour Skin Health and Wellness since 2012. She covers a wide array of skincare topics, from acne to aging, skin cancer to psoriasis, and diet to dry skin. She also evaluates all kinds of skincare treatments, both lab-made and all-natural.